Dorota Brzozowska

Dorota Brzozowska is Full Professor at the Institute of Linguistics at the Opole University, Poland. Her scholarly research interests comprise research on humour, stylistics, discourse analysis, intercultural communication, and semiotics. She authored books in Polish: On Polish and English Jokes. A Linguistic and Cultural Analysis (2000), Polish Ethnic Joke. Stereotype and Identity (2008) and Chinese Traces in Polish Contemporary Discourses (2018). Together with Władysław Chłopicki she co-edited: Humorous Discourse (2017), Communicational Styles. Culture’s Software (2015), Polish Humour (2012), and in Polish: Humor polski (2014), Terms in linguistics (2012). With Liisi Laineste both co-edited: Poland and Estonia. Creativity and tradition in cultural communication: v. 1 Jokes and their Relations (2012), v. 2. Perspectives on national and regional identity (2013). She is co-editor of The European Journal of Humour Research and Tertium Linguistic Journal.